Stan Lee ya sabe que Marvel ha recuperado los personajes de Fox


Stan Lee ya sabe que Marvel ha recuperado los personajes de Fox

Por Juan Pedro Prat

El 31 de Julio 2018 | 11:43

Fue el creador de Deadpool el que le transmitió la noticia

El regreso de Deadpool, los X-Men y los 4 Fantásticos a su casa original es un hecho tras el acuerdo entre Disney y Fox, pero ¿cómo se ha tomado la noticia uno de los principales artífices de este universo de personajes tan variados? Stan Lee ha aparecido en prácticamente todas las películas bajo el sello de Marvel y a sus 95 años tiene un historial de cameos muy importante. Hace unos días le informaron del regreso de algunos de sus hijos pródigos y está más que encantado.

Reunión de personajes

El hecho de que Disney haya comprado Fox implica, principalmente, que el Universo Cinematográfico de Marvel se va a expandir de una forma casi inimaginable ahora que se pueden reunir en una misma pantalla Tony Stark, Reed Richards, Bruce Banner y Charles Xavier, cuatro de las mayores mentes que ha parido la editorial. Las posibilidades que se abren ante nuestros ojos son ahora infinitas y eso lo sabe perfectamente Stan Lee, a quien ya se encargaron de informar de la vuelta a casa de todos estos personajes.

Stan Lee Marvel

Rob Liefeld, el creador de Deadpool, fue el encargado de transmitirle la noticia en una de sus visitas al productor. Lee lleva algo débil desde que sufrió problemas cardíacos a principios de año, pero el dibujante ha confirmado que actualmente se encuentra en un buen estado de salud a través de su Instagram. Lefield también puso al día al editor sobre el tema de la compra de Fox por parte de Disney y le confirmó que sus queridos personajes volvían a casa. Ante la noticia, Lee solo pudo darle las gracias por contarle la buena noticia.

SUNDAY WITH STAN! Well, my Saturday, but your Sunday. Let's get right to it, how great does @therealstanlee look in this photo?? He's doing really, really well, his own words actually. I had the pleasure of sitting with him yesterday for an extended period and it was a delight. My visiting him was something that I was fortunate to have been extended by Stan's family and friends a few weeks back, I told them to let me know the morning of, in case Stan was too tired or not feeling up to it. I got the call Friday and then Saturday a.m. to come on over. When I saw Stan, my heart soared, his color was great and his eyes were wider than I'd seen them in quite some time. He was vibrant and spry. I told him that everyone would be thrilled to see how good he was doing. That's when he said "I'm doing well, tell them I'm doing well." He said "Can you believe I'm 95 years old, Rob? I'm still here at 95, who would have thought?" I told him how traveling with him a few years back opened my eyes to the tremendous energy and stamina he possessed. I look at him as I do my mom, but 20 years older, he's amazing. We talked of his moving to L.A. in the 70's to set up Marvel properties in film and tv. I informed him that Disney was bringing the Fox family of Marvel characters home, that they'd be reunited and he settled back in his chair and he smiled "Thank you for telling me that." We talked of his working with educators in the 70's to carry comics in libraries, how my vocabulary was improved by his writing all that jargon for all the scientists he created, Tony Stark, Reed Richards and Hank Pym. Stan expressed his love of Deadpool, especially the film. He said, "I can't believe all the X-rated stuff he gets away with." I told him, that's all @vancityreynolds ???????????? We talked smart ass characters and how we're all smart asses inside. I added that there is no Deadpool without Spider Man! There was much more, but the bottom line is, July 28, 2018, Stan was in great spirits and in great care. Thank you to Jon Bollerjack and the family for bringing me up. I was deeply moved and I'm so grateful to have shared time with him. #stanlee #marvel #spiderman #deadpool #robliefeld

Una publicación compartida de RobertLiefeld (@robliefeld) el

En el extenso texto que acompañaba a la fotografía que veis aquí arriba, el dibujante de Deadpool insistió mucho en que el padre de Spider-Man se encuentra perfectamente y que lo ha visto más brillante que nunca.

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