
Última hora Todos los números premiados de la Lotería de Navidad


Juego para: PC PlayStation 4 Xbox One Nintendo Switch

Trucos de 'DOOM 3' (PC)

Varios trucos para conseguir desde el modo dios a poder ir a todos los niveles o atravesar las paredes. - Plataforma: PC

Los siguientes códigos se introducen en la consola del juego que se abre pulsando Ctrl + Alt + ~

Modo dios: god

Conseguir todas las armas y munición y la salud al máximo: give all

Atravesar las paredes: noclip

Elegir nivel:

Mars City 1: marscity1.map

Mars City Underground: mcunderground.map

Mars City 2: marscity2.map

Administration: admin.map

Alpha Labs Sector 1: alpha1.map

Alpha Labs Sector 2: alpha2.map

Alpha Labs Sector 3: alpha3.map

Alpha Labs Sector 4: alpha4.map

EnPro Plant: enpro.map

Communications Transfer: commout.map

Communications: communications.map

Monorail Skybridge: recycling1.map

Recycling Sector 2: recycling2.map

Monorail: monorail.map

Delta Labs Level 1: delta1.map

Delta Labs Level 2A: delta2a.map

Delta Labs Level 2B: delta2b.map

Delta Labs Level 3: delta3.map

Delta Labs Level 4: delta4.map

Hell: hell.map

Delta Complex: delta5.map

CPU Complex: cpu1.map

Central Processing: cpuboss.map

Site 3: site3.map

Caverns Area 1: caverns1.map

Caverns Area 2: caverns2.map

Primary Excavation: hellhole.map

Para desbloquear algunos personajes escribe spawn seguido de los nombres que encontrarás a continuación:

Flaming Zombie: monster_zombie_bernie

Chainsaw Zombie: monster_zombie_sawyer

Z-sec Zombie with machine gun: monster_zombie_zsec_machinegun

Z-sec Zombie with pistol: monster_zombie_zsec_pistol

Z-sec Zombie with shield: monster_zombie_zsec_shield

Z-sec Zombie with shotgun: monster_zombie_zsec_shotgun

Commando Zombie: monster_zombie_commando

Commando Zombie with Chaingun: monster_zombie_commando_cgun

Fat Zombie: monster_zombie_fat2

Fat Zombie with wrench: monster_zombie_fat_wrench

Bald Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_bald

Zombie with no jaw: monster_zombie_maint_nojaw

Zombie with Wrench: monster_zombie_maint_wrench

Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_maint_skinny

Zombie: monster_zombie_maint

Zombie: monster_zombie_maint2

Zombie wth Flashlight: monster_zombie_ maint_flashlight

Headless Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_neckstump

Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_bloodymouth

Skinny Zombie: monster_zombie_suit_skinny

Zombie in Labcoat: monster_zombie_labcoat

Zombie Missing Limb: monster_zombie_limb

Zombie: monster_zombie_skinny

Zombie with a pipe: monster_zombie_pipe

Zombie in T-shirt: monster_zombie_tshirt_bald

Zombie: monster_zombie_tshirt_blown

Zombie in Jumpsuit: monster_zombie_jumpsuit

Zombie Eating: monster_zombie_jumpsuit_eating

Archvile: monster_demon_archvile

Cherub: monster_demon_cherub

Hellknight: monster_demon_hellknight

Imp: monster_demon_imp

Maggot: monster_demon_maggot

Mancubus: monster_demon_mancubus

Pinky: monster_demon_pinky

Revenant: monster_demon_revenant

Tick: monster_demon_tick

Trite: monster_demon_trite

Wraith: monster_demon_wraith

Cyberdemon: monster_boss_cyberdemon

Gaurdian: monster_boss_guardian

Guardian's Seeker: monster_boss_guardian_seeker

Sabaoth: monster_boss_sabaoth

Vagary: monster_boss_Vagary